It has been quite a year by anyone’s measure……

I started 2020 with an incredible new job. I was blessed to work with the most friendly and fantastic team and then, as it was all starting to spin and gather momentum, Covid hit and I lost it, just like that, overnight, suddenly out of the blue, it was gone.


For a week afterwards I was profoundly affected, but then one beautiful blue morning, I woke up and started to put one foot in-front of the other and I never looked back. It became an extraordinary opportunity, a moment to breathe and take time to think, to reassess, to work out what I wanted the future to look like.


My memory of that time is not of stress or anxiety but one of calm, of blue skies, early morning walks, and swimming in glassy flat seas. I walked, I ran, I swam, I read, I wrote, listened to podcasts. I sought inspiration and enlightenment in everything and everyone around me. I talked to my cat, I made bread, I walked my friend’s dogs, I decided to give myself time.


Time, to just be, to enjoy finding new resilience and energy, rediscovering my purpose, accepting what needed to be left behind and recognising the myriad of new opportunities that lay ahead. If that sounds like I am trying to put a positive slant on a bad experience, I can genuinely say this is how I felt, and still do. 


When that right moment came, I cleared out my study, sat down at my desk, and I knew exactly what to do.  I have been working quietly and Independently with some amazing organisations ever since, and now it just seems like the right moment to draw it all together, form my own company, build a website and start talking about what I do.


@THE_OM_UK represents me in my entirety, a platform to talk about what I do and highlight the initiatives, organisations and individuals I collaborate with and support.


For all those lovely people who have lived this year with me, supported me, showed kindness to me, ran with me, walked with me, swam with me, drank with me, inspired me and listened to me, offered opportunities, given wise counsel, believed in me and loved me, 


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Jack of all trades master of none.